
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Is the green house effect operating in Earth's atmosphere helpful or Essay

Is the green house effect operating in Earths atmosphere helpful or harmful Give examples. What are the consequences of an heighten greenhouse effect - Essay ExampleBut excessive greenhouse effects, induced by human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, dismission CFCs, etc are harmful for the atmosphere. Scientists note that during the past 200 years the average global has increased about .40C to .80C (in Fahrenheit Scale about .70 to 1.40). Experts also regard that if this rate of increase in the temperature remains uninterrupted, the average temperature is supposed to rise up to 10.4 degrees F by 2100.The increase in the atmospheric temperature is mostly a response to a process c aloneed greenhouse effect that is a natural phenomenon.whereby certain gasses in the atmosphere keep the earths temperature significantly high than it would otherwise be, making it suitable for life (Dispensa & Brule 87). The gasses prevent the magnified heat radiation to return to the space an d preserve it as heat in the surroundings. Climatologists intimate that global warming is caused mainly by human activities that contribute to the increase in the green-house gas in the atmosphere. Natural causes such as sunspots and natural pas seul of temperature change by the evolution of earth (Dispensa & Brule 87) may increase the temperature of earth. Though some natural causes are found responsible for the emission of greenhouse gasses, environment also has its own process to absorb them. But the emission of these gasses caused by human activities is so excessive that natural absorption process cannot consume all of the produced gasses. In this regard, Dispensa and Brule (2003) notes, The IPCCuses the term climate change to refer exclusively to change in the climate brought about by human activities. (p.87)Studies show that the occurring of killer heat-waves (Houghton 188) is more frequent than ever. The August of 2003 was the hottest summer in the European continent in 5 00 years killing almost 27000 people. The rise in the global atmospheric temperature is

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